About Jan! Foundation
You do this…Jan does that
The Jan! Foundation supports projects that are important to you and us. Projects that matter, which make the world a better place. Not only for ourselves, but also for the next generations.
We start from what moves you to do something. The bond that you have as an initiator for your project is essential. You have a motivation, a background, and a reason to contribute to your project. Take us there, convince us of your connection with the project and why you deserve our support. In this way we can make the world a better place. Not only for ourselves, but also for the generations after us. Let us know en we see what we can do!

About the Jan! Foundation
Jan Heuver has been an entrepreneur in tyres his entire working life. Under his leadership and of his brother Bertus, the Heuver family business grew into a major international player. And although Jan has traded many car, truck and other types of tyres over the years and will never lose his love for “black rubber”, there is something else that has always given him energy, convinced and motivated him: the personal connection. The bond from person to person. Personal ties with his family and friends, but also with customers and suppliers. And, perhaps most importantly, the relationship with his employees has always been the ultimate motivation for him to commit himself more than 100% to his company.
Jan Heuver has not been sitting on his hands since his departure from the family business in 2016. That is actually not like him either. So when he received the Jan! Foundation as an homage from his employees at Heuver, this really hit home. The passion and pleasure he has always put into his work at Heuver can now be put into the Jan! Foundation.

Jan has already contributed to the Hope of Home and Dreams
More than 2.5 million children are orphan in Uganda. They grow up without parents, without hope. That is why Gini Pullen founded the Home of Hope and Dreams Foundation. She set up an orphanage to give hope back to these children in Uganda. With the house she gives children the assurance of good education, health care and most important; a loving environment.
Jan Heuver supports the Home of Hope and Dreams foundation on a structural basis, from his time with Heuver. Not only with money, but also with manpower. Every year a number of Heuver employees travel to Uganda to help Gini Pullen and her team with their work.
Jan! Foundation
Zwedenweg 17
7772 TC Hardenberg
The Netherlands